"Holy Smokes BATMAN!" -- "Holy Teeth Batman! look out for that axe" - -
"Holy 'holy' chanting lackey side-kicks Batman!" "Holy..." OH SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!! BASTARDBITCHSLUTCORNHOLED........ SHADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!.....
phew! glad i got that out ... its good to have torrets once in a while (yes i know Robin.. i too, sense the redundancy... so, BAIMUCHKONINNAJJISHAATAHODILAUDEYKABAAL!!)
Verbal diarrhoea apart, its a piss-off when someone keeps talking INTENTIONALLY during something important... whether it be at a 'save the world from racoon-masked hooligans' day, or something as mundane as class.... and i'm not talking about while i'm taking a class... i mean, as a student, sitting in close proximity to certain junta from the right-bottomed coast line of India. I've heard women talk... and its nice... annoying, but nice nonetheless. However, try sitting around 'mudhuh-teng' speaking, class-interrupting, perpetually confused and 'muttery' mouthed MEN!
No.. not simple, succinct dialogues like : 'pass me the calci' ; 'giuew me the rubbar' ;
' Sign-off Selva's name aalsow da' ... nooo, instead... prolonged, monotoned, low pitched pitter-patterish incomprehensible dribble, that resemble the audal character of a potato-fed cricket's gastric emission ... and to say nothing about the smell!
This staunch display of outright disrespect BANG in the middle of a lecture, can be prettty humiliating, NOT to the assmunchingtongueflexers , but instead, to those who hail from the same country.... quelle chagrin mon ami! Yes indeedy, every time 'that' section of the class' decibel level rises... and i MEAN rises... heads turn, throats turn parch, brows frown, butts shift... and yet, they go on yakking.... not even the holocaust would tear them apart...
"Say, whats that loud noise?? - - AaahNevermind lah ... then, after he said.... "
Nope, no hope.... they'll graduate, with their well oiled kapi gulping pie holes, continuing to drench the rest of us in their mind-numbing dribble, and typecast us as a cult of uncouth, toddler-attention spanned motor-mouthed tribal hooligans... yeesh! too much hatred!
On the other hand, which btw, isnt so full of shit.... I have recently acquired a motor Bike! yes... nice 200 CC, 18(?) BHP , Honda Phantom.... yes, EXACTLY my kinda super hero, no super powers except brute strength and 'Tiger-buddhi', has a side kick that doesnt talk(!!) , and whose arrival is always preceeded by drum rolls... of course, just plain drum rolls to the 'naked' ear. But armed with a babel fish, we'd all know what the Pygmie Bandar were beating away to... no wait, that didnt quite sound right...ah BOLLOCKS!
I miss The Phantom; among most super heroes, this guy COULD actually exist! Think about it.. house in the jungle, gorilla for a friend, Pygmies (with poisonned arrows!!) as patrons... WOW... I'd like to BE him! and the suit!! man! what can be sexier than Purple?? NOTHING! The suit's actually required for the gun-holster.... those magnifcent semi-automatics! Its not a knife after all, much unlike Lord Greystroke a.k.a TARZAN of the apes! YOWZA! He was good, but no Phantom, certainly no 'Ghost who walks cannot die'. Man, Tarzan had some weird sense of fashion... the number of leopard deaths, just to stock up the Lord's wardrobe... last heard, Lord Greystroke had undie habbits akin to a certain Boy-band drop-out, actress dating, Jacko dance-move-copying, piss-ass 'singer'.... this, certainly exacerbated the ill-feelings of the leopard populace of a certain coastal region of Africa,( more because of the increasing resemblance to the afore-mentioned 'pop' star )... and led to a very gruesome death of the Lord... may his soul rest in peace.
Now where were we?? ah yes... Bike!
The Phantom also rides a bike... way cooler than an elephant, and for many reasons...
* A bike handles well
* A bike doesnt stop to take a piss near its favourite mountain
* A bike doesnt HAVE a favourite mountain
* A bike doesnt want to charge another bike if its hitting on some other bike
* A bike doesnt have its balls where its brains should be
Anyway, about my ride...
Here it is :
Sweet lil honey... hope it doesnt act up on an expressway!
I know most men prefer to append a 'she' to their bikes.... not me sir, A bike is NO WAY like a woman!
* A bike handles well
* A bike doesnt need to hang out with other bikes and talk about their respective 'riders'
* A bike doesnt compare genitalia details of its rider with other bikes
* A bike doesnt ask for flowers
* A bike doesnt want to charge at you, if you look at other bikes' bottoms
Must i go on? Well, bikes are known to be more dependable than women anyway, so there..... Theres that sexist feeling again.... .....Go nads!!!
me:uh...um...nice bike...
alter-ego:is that it???...say more say more...we're paractically anonymous!
I agree with alter-ego...
@ your q on my blog, The first two songs are from the album 'Natural Elements' and the third is from 'One Night in Bombay'
Come back and read me often, will be previewing some rare, but great music. Cheerio
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