No inclination of any sort, to 'pen' things down. However, i have been playing, and recording...more of the former.
Sound Cloud is a lovely site i found through Kman.
Long live Kman and Mo.
The side-bar shows the music in a quite 'in-your-face' way.
Besides, there are things i want to write about; The impending ban on beef in the state; 'vegetarianism' in general; how i screwed up an important interview; how i got stuck in an unplanned meeting (brrr...). All to be written about soonly, i hope.
Interestingly, after all these months of deliberation, on music and life, i have come to an annoying juncture, where one person in particular, rather violently, rattles the cages of the chimps in my brain. Her voice annoys me terribly, and her face pisses me off. I'm not saying who...but somebody gonna get a herrt reel bad....somebody.
Long live Russsssal.
Anyway, hope this works:
Swirl by Ga-Joob